Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Santa Sighting

This past weekend was our Christmas program at Church. It basically consists of 70 adults squished into a gigantic riser system that is made to look like a Christmas tree! Oh, the merriment! Anyway, the first row gets to sit. I was conveniently placed on the second row! (No sitting for me!) The man that sat directly in front of me is a Santa Clause Look-A-Like/Mail Man. The children's choir filed on stage and joined us in the fun for a song. As they were filing back off stage, the tiny little girl that brought up the back end of the line was walking backwards looking at Mr. Mail Man, waving frantically and quietly yelling "Santa....Santa"! It was precious! Mr. Mail Man later told us a story of one day on his route, he was delivering mail in a cul-de-sac and saw a couple of little girls run into their house. As he rounded the street, there they were standing on the sidewalk with milk and cookies! Oh, the things this man has encountered! Maybe I can somehow make myself to look like...say...Cindy Crawford and see what kind of attention I get! Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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